Friday, 23 January 2015

Hazing (grazing) the Surface on Haze

Skies here in Singapore appear to be clear today but according to the latest PSI updates at, the 24-hour PSI apparently stands at 59-64, depending on what region of the country you are in. This is only at a moderate level. Not "good" but definitely not life-threatening per se.

What does this mean for us now and in the future? The 2013 Southeast Asian Haze got the entire region and perhaps the world, on alert with regards to the haze and while that caught us by surprise, we definitely are in a better place to tackle similar issues. Or are we? This is what I'll be exploring in this space over the next 10-11 weeks. How does smog, or what is more commonly known as "The Haze" affect us; where does it originate, why it is so hard to rid of and ultimately what ridding of "The Haze" entails. Don't worry, it isn't all dry academic kibble. There will be videos, pictures and cartoons (if you're the type) too to help us gain a deeper understanding of the geopolitical issue (an interesting one too!) and hopefully, to quote Prof David Taylor, by the evaluation date become haze experts! :)

Can't wait!

Sources of Information:

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